From CA Greens wiki
Jennifer Gopinathadasi Woodward, 66 y.o. in 2011.
Founding member of the California Green Party
415-239-0599 .
For my slightly-disabled retired person professional development, I build, maintain, and improve three (3) web sites:
Education: BS/CS, BS/Applied Math, BA/Psychology, MA Instructional Technology
Professional Experience:
- Computer Programmer/Systems-Analyst since 1964
- Distance Learning Systems Architect since 1997
- Instructor of computer programming at several business schools, 1970-80, and at City College of San Francisco, 91-94.
GPCA Activities since Feb. 2010:
- I'm nominally in the GPCA PTF WG, CCWG, ERWG and GROW and contributed a few pages to the 2010 Platform.
- I am learning state-of-the-art (and craft) of content management system (CMS) web site design by building them.
- I've been using Drupal, Joomla, since 2009 and Wordpress since early 2011 (the advent of WP3). But I also use Moodle for creating distance learning courses. Some samples of what CMS web site features I think could be useful to the GPCA and to it's campaigns I display at the[4] web site.