From CA Greens wiki
Ideas for Help Page Contents
Draft 0.1.1
by Jennifer Gopinathadasi Woodward, ITWG
SOMEONE please create a 1st page in the "Wanted Categories" section, if that's the right name. Then I and others can make and revise a list of them. Site admins can mark some of them DONE when they have created the category.
I suggest the GPCA-ITWG (info-tech working group people) begin adding suggested help topics to this web page if only initially to be a list of those topics to be further developed as separate help web pages later. jgw110413
- JGW's Suggested Help Topics (4/13-4/20):
- very simple, lite-technical pages to be added as FAQs and/or as HELP to assist non-technical site users in logging in, contributing, and updating some of the content on this web site. jgw110413
- Overview for computer-phobes and novices about how this Wiki can help GPCA people be more productive between face-to-face (or teleconferenced) meetings. jgw110420
- One or more terse examples of document creation, revision, evolution to final draft as step-by-step work-flow procedures using the menus in this wiki. jgw110420
- How to create a new page category (and what user permissions are required). jgw110420
- How to create a new page, assign it to (tag it with?) one or more categories and what user permissions are required to be able to do so). jgw110420
- JGW's Suggested New Page Categories (4/20):
- One category per working group. jgw110420
- Zero or more sub-categories per working group, some unique to the WG, some shared by 1+ other WGs. jgw110420