Coordinating Committee Draft Retreat Agenda 10 28-29 11

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Coordinating Committee Draft Retreat Agenda

San Mateo, California, January 28, 2012

10:00: Introductions by Coordinating Committee members

Sharing of each members' Green Party/activist/professional background and vision for Coordinating Committee and for GPCA

11:40: Election of CC Male Co-coordinator

Nominations: Alex Shantz, nominated 1/6 by Tim Laidman, accepted nomination 1/8

Section 1-3: Nominations

1-3.1 Nominations for Co-coordinators and alternate Co-coordinators shall open on the first Monday of January. Nominations may be made by any Coordinating Committee member, including the candidate. Nominations shall be considered made when posted to the Coordinating Committee email list. Nominations shall be considered accepted when posted as such to the Coordinating Committee email list by the candidate. Self-nominations shall be considered accepted when made. Nominations may be made and accepted for the same person for both Co-coordinator and alternate Co-coordinator.

1-3.2 Where the election will be held during the Coordinating Committee retreat, the nomination period shall close three days before the commencement of the retreat, such that if the retreat begins on a Saturday, nominations shall close at midnight on the preceding Tuesday. Where the election will be held on a Coordinating Committee teleconference, nominations shall close at midnight two days before the teleconference, such that if the teleconference is held on a Monday, nominations shall close at midnight on the preceding Friday.

1-3.3 Candidates are strongly encouraged to submit a candidate statement to the Coordinating Committee email list, no later than the commencement of the discussion period. The statement should address performance of the position sought, as its duties and responsibilities are defined in this Article, and contain a biography of relevant experiences. Candidates are encouraged to submit video material in support of their candidacy.

Election #1: Vote occurs as follows

Section 1-4: Elections

1-4.2 Co-coordinator election via Coordinating Committee retreat

1-4.2(a) Each candidate shall have the opportunity to make a three minute candidate statement. If any candidate is not in attendance, the candidate may either submit a written statement or make their statement via skype, speaker phone or other similar means. After candidates have made their statements, then there shall be a call for questions, concerns and affirmations, after which candidates may addresses concerns. After this, Coordinating Committee members may discuss the candidates among themselves before the vote commences. Voting shall be by instant run-off voting and shall include a No Other Candidate option. All Coordinating Committee members may cast votes, with those not in physical presence able to send in their votes by email, skype or speaker phone. Any candidate receiving a majority of votes cast is considered elected.

11:50: Election of CC Male Alternate Co-coordinator

Nominations: Warner Bloomberg, self-nominated on 1/16

The CC's Rules and Procedures governing these nominations are the same as for the Co-coordinators

Election #2: the vote occurs as follows:

Section 1-4: Elections

1-4.4 Alternate co-coordinator election via Coordinating Committee retreat

After the above election process described in 1-4.2 is completed for the Co-coordinators, the same process shall be conducted for alternate Co-coordinators.

12:00: Election of CC Female Alternate Co-coordinator

Nominations: No declared candidates yet

Election #3: Same as for Male Alternate Co-coordinator

12:10 Appointments to Standing Committees

Applications: No current applicants

Committee membership status:

- Finance (five openings, eight seats)

- Bylaws (five openings, eight seats)

- Platform (five openings, eight seats)

- Clearinghouse (seven openings, eight seats)

- Media (four openings, eight seats)

Appointment #1: Make appointments to Standing Committees

The CC's Rules and Procedures governing these appointments are (

6-2 Eligibility

All candidates must submit a written request to the Coordinating Committee seeking appointment to the standing committee and to demonstrate compliance with GPCA Bylaws 6-1.4, which states that all applicants must have "attended at least one General Assembly within the last five", the request shall include a statement of which General Assemblies the candidate attended.

6-3 Criteria

When considering appointments to standing committees under GPCA Bylaws 6-1.4, the Coordinating Committee shall consider the following for each candidate:

6-3.1 Their working knowledge of GPCA bylaws and operating procedures;

6-3.2 Criteria drafted by the standing committee;

6-3.3 Input and nominations of the standing committee membership and co-coordinators;

6-3.4 Input and nominations submitted by active counties or Coordinating Committee members; and

6-3.5 Biographies and candidate statements presented by the candidate.

6-4 Appointment

If there are as many or fewer candidates than open seats, the Coordinating Committee shall first test for consensus on the full list of candidates. If consensus exists, then all candidates shall be considered appointed. Where there is not consensus, or where there are more candidates than there are open seats, there shall commence a six day voting period through midnight, the ensuing Sunday. During this time discussion may continue on the Coordinating Committee email list. Candidates shall be appointed by ranked choice voting, per GPCA Bylaws 7-1.8. As a further test, after the ranked choice vote is tabulated, a candidate must also be ranked on at least 40% of the ballots to be appointed. Both thresholds must be met for the appointment to occur.

12:30 Appointment of Coordinating Committee Liaisons to Standing Committees

Standing Committees with no CC liaison:

- Bylaws

- Clearinghouse

- Platform

Standing Committees with a CC liaison:

- Finance, Barry Hermanson

- Media, Sanda Everette

Appointment #2: Make appointments of Coordinating Committee Liaisons to Bylaws, Clearinghouse and Platform (and Finance if Barry Hermanson steps down)

The CC's Rules and Procedures governing these appointments are (

Article V Liaisons to Standing Committees and Working Groups

5-1 Duties

As per GPCA Bylaws 6-1.8, each committee and working group shall be assigned a Coordinating Committee Liaison, who will serve as a voting, ex-officio member of that committee or working group. The Liaison is charged with facilitating communications between the committee or working group and the Coordinating Committee. Liaisons appointed to Committees also serve as one of the Committee co-coordinators.

5-2 Term

The Liaison shall serve for as long as they are on the Coordinating Committee or two years, whichever is less. Upon the Liaison's term ending on the Coordinating Committee or upon two years, the Liaison position shall be considered vacant and a new appointment process shall commence. There are no term limits on the Liaison position.

5-3 Appointment

5-3.1 The Coordinating Committee shall fill open Liaison seats on an annual basis and/or whenever vacancies occur.

5-3.2 If there is only one candidate for Liaison, the Coordinating Committee shall first test for consensus. If consensus exists, the candidate shall be considered appointed. Where there is not consensus, there shall commence a three day voting period through midnight the ensuing Thursday. Votes shall be cast on a voting page equipped for instant run-off voting and shall include a No Other Candidate option. Any candidate receiving a majority of votes cast is considered elected.

5-4 Recall

A Liaison may be recalled by a 2/3 vote of the Coordinating Committee. A proposal for recall must be co-sponsored by 1/3 of the Coordinating Committee to be placed before the Coordinating Committee for a vote.

12:45 Appointment of Coordinating Committee Liaison/Co-coordinators to Working Groups

Working Groups with no CC Liaison/Co-coordinators:

Electoral Reform is currently without a liaison and Campaigns & Candidates becomes open as per 5-2 Term of the CC's Rules and Procedures governing such appointments ( "The Liaison shall serve for as long as they are on the Coordinating Committee or two years, whichever is less. Upon the Liaison's term ending on the Coordinating Committee or upon two years, the Liaison position shall be considered vacant and a new appointment process shall commence. There are no term limits on the Liaison position."

Working Groups with a CC Liaison/Co-coordinators:

Campaigns & Candidates, Matt Leslie (

Grassroots Organizing, Alex Shantz (

Green Issues, Tim Laidman (

Appointment #3: Make appointments to Electoral Reform and Campaigns & Candidates Working Groups.

01:00 Lunch

02:00 Appoint GPCA Treasurer, co-signers

Background: GPCA Treasurer Jeanne Rosenmeier is stepping down. Doug Barnett has indicated his interest in serving as GPCA Treasurer. This item is to provide for appointment of a Treasurer by the CC until the next General Assembly and then an initial discussion of how the CC will handle nominating a candidate for Treasurer to the next General Assembly for confirmation. This item will also provide an brief opportunity for the new Treasurer and the CC to communicate in person, if the new Treasurer if able to attended.

GPCA Bylaws 7‑1.12 Treasurer (‑1.12_Treasurer) governing the appointment of the treasurer are:

7‑1.12 Treasurer

The Treasurer shall have the duties and responsibilities as defined in the Fiscal Policy. The term of the Treasurer shall be two years, beginning in odd-numbered years; the Treasurer shall be nominated by the Coordinating Committee, and subject to the confirmation of the first meeting of the General Assembly in odd-numbered year. The Coordinating Committee shall immediately fill any vacancy in the office of the Treasurer, subject to the confirmation of the next meeting of the General Assembly.

Appointment #5: That the Coordinating Committee appoint Doug Barnett as GPCA Treasurer until the next GPCA General Assembly.

Background: At the Berkeley April/May 2011 General Assembly, the General Assembly authorized Barry Hermanson as a signer to the GPCA bank account in the case that the GPCA Treasurer is unavailable. This agenda item is to review the status of co-signers to the GPCA bank account and make appointments as needed.

Proposal #1: That the Coordinating Committee appoint additional members who may co-sign checks and/or authorize them via the GPCA bank account if/when the Treasurer is not available.

02:20 Address status and location of GPCA Clearinghouse

Background: Until spring 2011, the GPCA's official mailing address was in Sacramento, until it was moved to San Francisco when the Sacramento PO Box was lost.

Proposal #2: That the CC authorize the Clearinghouse Committee to work with the Sacramento County Green Party to re-establish a GPCA PO Box in Sacramento as the party's official statewide postal address.

Background: In some past years the GPCA has also had a physical presence in Sacramento as its clearinghouse, where orders for merchandise were processed, inventory stored and responsibility taken for phone calls to the GPCA's official statewide contact number. In exchange, the GPCA budgeted a monthly stipend for these services. The Sacramento County Green Party has discussed this and is interested in reassuming this task.

Space has been identified at the home of one of the Sacramento Greens, who is also willing to do some of the staff work in responding to inquiries. Compensation could be for the space provided, with the services provided upon a volunteer basis. In past years the amount provided to the Sacramento County Green Party has been between $100 and $300/month, depending upon the volume of merchandise stored and ordered, and the increase in overall inquiries the closer to elections.

One of the challenges in such an operation is that income from merchandise is not likely to cover expenses to store it. At the same time, without a clearinghouse operation to handle merchandise, it is unlikely the GPCA will ever sell much of it, even as its other outreach grows. So one question is how to find this balance. One way is adding to the responsibilities of the clearinghouse staff the task of responding to inquiries on the state party phone line, providing greater value to the state party for the amount expended.

In terms of materials, the Clearinghouse Committee recently had approximately 60 Green Party/Partido Verde t-shirts printed, based upon the budget line for merchandise approved in the FY2011-2012 but. These shirts are waiting at the printers for pick-up in Berkeley and need to be going to a physical clearinghouse where they can be mailed in response to orders. There is other existing GPCA merchandise at the home of El Dorado County Green Michael Borenstein that belongs with the clearinghouse.

In terms of the Sacramento County Green Party, Starlene Rankin will be available to speak to the CC by Skype as part of the discussion of this item.

For the long run, a proposal to fund such a Sacramento clearinghouse operation will be proposed by the Clearinghouse Committee for the FY2012-2013 budget and input will be sought from the CC on this as part of this agenda item. However there is also the question of what should be done until the FY2012-2013 is approved. Should the CC authorize some mid-year expenditures to begin a clearinghouse operation in Sacramento before the next General Assembly and if so, how should it be funded? One advantage of beginning such a process is that we are already in an election year and waiting until the next General Assembly could miss some opportunities. Another advantage of doing this is that it can better inform the FY2012-2013 process with some practical experience before the FY2012-2013 budget vote is taken.

Proposal #3: That the CC authorize a mid-year expenditure to begin a clearinghouse operation in Sacramento before the next General Assembly.

02:50 Establish Information Technology Committee, Appoint Members

Background: There is currently no mention of a GPCA IT committee or working group in GPCA bylaws and the three members of the GPCA IT group have indicated their desire to terminate their volunteer roles as of March 2012.

Proposal #4: That the CC submit the following bylaws amendment to the next General Assembly:

Section 7-8. Information Technology Committee

7-8.1 Duties and Authority

The Information Technology Committee is charged with providing technical support for GPCA web sites and email lists, for managing their permissions and access according to approved GPCA policies and procedures, for providing assistance in their use to GPCA personnel and for recommending policies and procedures that facilitate this work.

7-8.2 Membership

The Information Technology Committee is a standing committee of up to nine members, including a Coordinating Committee Liaison. The other eight members shall be appointed by the Coordinating Committee to two year terms, with no term limits. Members should be appointed based upon their abilities and qualifications to carry out the duties and authority of this committee. Members do not have to have meet any General Assembly attendance requirements to be eligible for appointment.

Proposal #5: That until the next General Assembly at which the bylaws proposal to establish an Information Technology Committee is considered, that the CC establish an Information Technology Committee to begin to serve the functions specified in the proposed bylaw and to make recommendations on any amendments to it in advance of the next General Assembly.

Appointment: Make appointments to the Information Technology Committee.

03:30 Approve Coordinating Committee Internal Rules and Procedures Articles II, II, VII and IX

Proposal #6: That the following text be approved for Article II Work Plan and Long Term Agenda Planning, Article III Meetings, Article VII State Meeting Planning Committee and Article IX Strategy Committee

04:00 GPCA strategic plan as per GPCA bylaws 7-1.13

Background: GPCA Bylaws 7-1.13 Strategic Plan ( states that "The CC shall establish a two-year strategic plan annually, using input from a brainstorming plenary session and draft work plans from the standing committees and working groups. The proposed plan shall be presented and affirmed at the subsequent General Assembly. The two-year strategic plan shall be reviewed and refocused by the CC and presented to the General Assembly annually. As part of the strategic plan, the CC shall develop a two-year schedule, including potential agenda items, for the General Assemblies and Gatherings, with input from each standing committee and working group work plan. The two-year schedule shall be revised annually, with General Assembly agenda and scheduling remaining flexible."

This agenda item is meant to provide for a discussion among CC members and invited others of GPCA priorities, and for a review of the attached two year work plan.

Proposal #7: That the CC review, amend and adopt a strategic plan as per GPCA Bylaws 7-1.13.

06:30 Dinner

Coordinating Committee Draft Retreat Agenda

San Mateo, California, January 29, 2012

10:00: Establish General Assembly Hardship Travel Policy

Background: For several years the GPCA provided hardship travel subsidies for low-income General Assembly delegates, co-coordinators of GPCA working groups and committees and CC members, with the amount of subsidy related to the distance traveled. Subsidies were awarded on a first-come first served basis and awarded in time for General Assembly attendees to by airline tickets at least two weeks in advance.

Proposal #8: That the CC establish the following General Assembly Hardship Travel Subsidy policy

General Assembly Hardship Travel Subsidies shall be made available for each GPCA General Assembly for low-income General Assembly delegates, co-coordinators of GPCA working groups and committees and CC members. Requests must be submitted to the GPCA Treasurer in writing, which includes email. GPCA members are asked to honor this system and only make fund requests if they are in need. Members who receive funds from a working group or committee are required to disclose the dollar figure they will receive. Allocations will be made on a first-come, first-serve basis and shall be awarded in time for attendees to purchase an airline ticket with at least two weeks advance purchase.

Subsidies shall be based upon the distance to travel as follows:

For meetings in Northern California

- Individuals coming from the following regions (SD-Imp, ORSB, LA, may receive up to $125) - Individuals coming from the following regions (Central, Central Coast, Emerald, may receive up to $75. - Individuals coming from the following regions (East Bay, Monterrey Bay, North Bay, San Francisco, Silicon Valley) may receive up to $50

For meetings in Southern California

- Individuals coming from the following regions (East Bay, Emerald, Monterrey Bay, North Bay, San Francisco, Silicon Valley) may receive up to $125 - Individuals coming from the following regions (Central, Central Coast may receive up to $75) - Individuals coming from the following regions (SD-Imp, ORSB, LA, may receive up to $50)

Background: As part of its responsibility to plan and coordinate General Assemblies, the CC must submit budget items to cover expected General Assembly incomes and expenses.

Proposal #11: That the CC propose funding of $1200 per General Assembly in FY2012-2013 for General Assembly Hardship Travel Subsidies. That such funds not be considered in the budget as part of the costs needed to be covered by income from General Assemblies and not be calculated into the profit/loss of each, but exist as a stand alone budget line.

10:20 Spring General Assembly

Background: The Coordinating Committee will need to set a location and date for the spring General Assembly. This item is also to discuss issues regarding timing of submitting work plans and budgets and contingencies if the Fiscal Year is moved to July 1 - June 30

Proposal #9: That the CC establish a location and date for the spring General Assembly.

Appointment: That the CC make appointments to the State Meeting Planning Committee.

10:45 Review of Funding Approach for General Assemblies and Gatherings

Background: This item is to provide a place to review how GPCA General Assemblies and Gatherings are funded and which costs are assigned to the state party, which to the host, how compensation should be based and who assumes the FPPC reporting issues (GPCA, county GP). This discussion would inform GPCA process and provide clarity on how such meeting related income and expenses are included in the draft FY2012-2013 Budget.

In past years, the GPCA has provided a 'loan' of sorts to the hosts county GP and the host county would then take all the income and pay the state back if it took in at least enough to cover expenses, and then usually keep the rest as profit, if there was any. In these scenarios, the county Green Party is supposed to assume the responsibility to report this income and expenses to the FPPC. Others have argued that state meetings are the meeting of the state party and therefore the state party should be responsible for the income and expenses associated with a state meeting, and if funds are to go to the host county party, they should be in the form of a transfer from the GPCA to the county. The recent Los Angeles General Assembly was conducted in this manner.

There is also the question of which expenses should be considered in calculating the profit/loss of a state meeting, which by extension, can affect whether there is a profit to share with the counties.

11:10: Fall Gathering

Background #10: This item is to provide a place to discussion timing and content of a fall 2012 GPCA gathering.

11:25: CC FY2012-13 Work Plan and Budget Proposals

Proposal #11: That the CC approve its FY2012-13 Work Plan and Budget Proposals

12:15 Lunch

1:15 Review and amend the Personnel Policy

Background: The current GPCA personnel policy was created and passed in early 2003 and as part of that approval, the CC was empowered to modify to it.

Proposal #12: That the CC review and revise the Personnel Policy.