Talk:Green 2012

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I want to stress the importance of "messaging". It is here we may have to hire outside help to liven up our internal efforts. The content/style of all communications will determine the success or failure of this project. This should happen early.

Likewise, the website design needs special talent. Zach has experience in this area. We should recruit him at least as an adviser on all our messaging.

Attractive "themed" County Council fundraising/membership building events should be held at least quarterly.

The description of "Executive Director" and other staff positions need more detail. Maybe there should be Co-Executive Directors to share the work. I would also prefer a different title entirely, such as "Team Coordinator" or "Project Coordinator".

I want to remind you that paid help does not guarantee success. A few years ago, the state hired a professional fundraiser. What benefit did we get from that outlay of scarce resources? The key is to find proven talent. Maybe hire them for a trial period of three months.

Genevieve Marcus

Yes, I support the effort except for the paid fundraiser. If someone knows of a fundraiser who has successfully raised a lot of money for a BROKE grassroots political group that has been taking a solid beating from MSM, and moved them ahead in the game, please speak up! I haven't seen that. (Also, right now this wiki appears to be set up so that anyone can edit it, which may not be ideal, although it can be a nuisance to figure out how to do a password with these things.) -- Victoria Ashley (Alameda County)

from Kendra:

I just spent 15 mins posting some stuff re GPCA Strategy Plans and it did not save!. Wah!, I'm exhausted so I'll try again tomorrow. Lots of Strategy stuff happening! I'm excited!