Green Party Inform list protocols


The GPCA Inform List a one-way list is for the state party to communicate official party business to individuals in state party leadership positions and to members of Green Party County Councils.
The list's recipients shall include members of County Councils and GPCA standing committees; the co-coordinators of GPCA working groups; General Assembly/Standing General Assembly delegates, and the GPCA Treasurer, Liaison to the Secretary of State and state party Spokespersons.
If you are one of these, please sign up for subscription here.  You also may be subscribed by the GPCA IT Committee, after which you can opt-out upon request.
Official business includes information regarding:
• State meetings and actions authorized by them
• Projects of the Coordinating Committee, Standing Committees and Working Groups
• Business of the Party Officers
• Other items deemed appropriate by the Coordinating Committee or General Assembly
This list typically does not distribute:
• Event announcements
• News and information articles
• Candidate literature or promotions
Messages will state whether the intended audience is the list recipients, and/or for further distribution. County Councils are responsible for setting up a system of internal distribution to interested Greens in their counties.
Some messages are used to solicit a response. In such cases, the message must contain a web-response form and/or contact information where responses should be sent. The list operator cannot facilitate responses to messages.
Authorized Access
Only the list operator and back-up operator have posting privileges.
The following Party positions are authorized to request messages be posted to the list:
• Co-coordinators of the Coordinating Committee, Standing Committees and Working Groups. Coordinators may authorize another individual for posting requests by notifying the list operators, but should still be copied on all requests.
• The state party Treasurer and the Liaison to the Secretary of State.
List Operators
There shall be an Inform List operator and back-up, appointed by the Coordinating Committee. Messages intended for the list operator and back-up must be sent to this address
The list operator shall review each posting request for consistency with the guidelines herein, and shall return non-compliant messages with an explanation of why, and shall archive such correspondance at the list operator archive. If there is further disagreement over the appropriateness of a posting, the list operator shall consult the Coordinating Committee for resolution. 
The list operator shall notify the back-up operator of any planned absences so the back-up can assume the duties.
1) Requests to the list operators are sent 
2) The list operator reviews the message for compliance with the guidelines of this document. The list operator returns non-compliant messages with an explanation for the rejection 
3) The list operator distributes the message on contacts list